To be honest, I expect to keenspace to die within a year unless they get their act together. The system was set up in a manner that might have been reasonable for 100 accounts. The system now has thousands and it hasn't been fixed. The admins are ignoring all problems until something breaks and people complain. It's bad.
Good news time. I finally got my computer built. The only problem at the moment is it doesn't have a connection
to the internet. Which doesn't sound like a serious problem, but it makes getting software a major pain in the arse.
For all zero of you who probaly care the specs are:
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-7ZXE (wanted GA-7VRXP, they didn't carry it)
CPU: AMD Athalon 1800+ (1.5 GHz)
RAM: 512MB SDRAM (don't ask)
Hard Drive: Westren Digital 7200RPM 100GB Caviar (the one with the 8MB cache, w00t)
Video Crd: ATI Radeon 7500 (don't ask)
Capture Card: DV500+ (tried and true)
NIC: CNet PRO200
DVD-ROM: LG DRD-8160B (16x/48x)
CD-RW: Plextor PX-W4012A (40x12x40x)
Monitor: ViewSonic E70f-2
Well, I dunno if I'll have a rant up before I go...nine days, actually! But anywho, that's it for now.